Yay! Our DRAFT schedule is below for Fiddle Hell In-Person, Nov 7-10, in Westford, MA.
Please DISREGARD SESSION DAYS/TIMES below - these are not yet assigned to days & times.
Artist bios and sessions by artist are HERE.
We're planning 20 concerts, 35 instructor-led jams, and 300 hands-on workshops.
After scheduling is complete, at many time slots, you'll find a CONCERT . At most time slots, you'll find a JAM and up to 15 WORKSHOPs .
WORKSHOPs are listed in order of difficulty.
L1 L2 L3 L4 describe levels of difficulty and pace (more info on levels here).
Styles describe various traditional music styles; many sessions cover more than one style.
Instruments are those targeted by the workshop or jam.
Room locations are for the Westford Regency function rooms and suites we use for sessions.
Artists are shown with the instruments they're using for this session.
Descriptions give you exciting details of workshops.
Click on an artist's name to see bio and sessions.
Use the date and track filters to focus on particular attributes, or use the very helpful search box (just above "Filter by date" on the right).
On a phone or tablet, the filters and search box are at the top.
Sessions have not yet been assigned to days & times. We'll have more complete schedules around mid-September.
The schedule is subject to changes in session days, times and details.